Mrs Earth Journey 2017

My Transformational Journey

2017 Mrs Earth Beauty Pageant

There is a distinct difference between confidence and self-esteem. You can fake having confidence, but you can’t fake having self-esteem and that is what you really need to make your dreams possible.

2016 found me in a toxic co-dependent marriage, very unhappy, feeling desperate, not enough, unfulfilled and without hope or purpose. Stuck in the proverbial dark tunnel without hope and with no light to turn toward for salvation, I was out of balance and my naturally bright light was really dim.

I needed to fill up my spiritual gas tank and so I started to listen to motivational speakers on my daily walks and the one thing I learnt was that to really change your life, you had to make yourself uncomfortable.

I decided to pray, have faith, trust my instincts and reach out to God with both hands to show me what I needed to learn and experience to change my life.

Out of left field, I was sent the most amazing, life-changing, sliding doors moment, that taught me to love myself again, raised my self-esteem to match my high confidence and enabled me to find my true authentic self.

I listened to God’s whispers and was sent a message right out of left field when I was approached to be a contestant in an international beauty pageant. They supported a charity that I was impressed by so I said yes and in doing so I changed my life.

I had been a tomboy for 30 years, never wearing dresses and heels or fitted anything. I had a psychological fear of frocks and felt very uncomfortable wearing them. However, I pushed through my fears, one dress at a time, and had full faith and confidence that I was on the right life path.

I raised awareness for a charity and supported them on their findraising journey, I spoke on their behalf at functions and on podcasts and on television.

I practised daily gratitude had 100% self-belief and everyday I used manifestation techniques and visualised being on stage and hearing my name called out as the winner.

I succeeded in my goals and went on to be crowned the first Mrs Earth Australia 2017. I found myself in Vegas a few months later, representing Australia, where I competed against 36 other women from around the globe, half of whom I could have given birth to and I was crowned 3rd as Mrs Earth Health.

I received press all around the world as the 55-year-old tomboy to beauty queen and was on national morning tv and radio shows, the news, international and local magazines and in newspapers and on podcasts. I’m delighted to say that my personal transformation journey has inspired many other women to enter the world of pageantry and follow their dreams.

The doors of motivational speaking opened to me and I found myself in 2019 speaking at the Womens Economic Forum in India with 2000 other women, where I won an international speaking award as a woman of substance. All because I said YES to the whispers and stepped into action.

I enjoy sharing my learned experiences to help other people navigate life. As an older sage woman, I’ve learnt that this world needs strong women who can transform it and stands today, as the motivation as to why I have gravitated towards the modalities of empowerment and confidence in working with women who are just like who I used to be.

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